Membrane Societies
International societies
UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology
AMTA American Membrane Technology Association
nams North American Membrane Society
Japan - The Membrane Society of Japan
Korea - The Membrane Society of Korea
Europe - EMS European Membrane Society
Europe - EDS European Desalination Society
Deutschland - DECHEMA Fachsektion Membrantechnik
Deutschland - DGMT Deutschen Gesellschaft für Membrantechnik e.V.
France - CFM Club Français des Membranes
Italy - Istituto per la Tecnologia delle Membrane
Middle East and Africa
AMTA American Membrane Technology Association - - 611 S. Federal Hwy., Suite A, Stuart, FL 34994, USA
Janet L. Jaworski, Administrative Director, email:, Tel. +1 772 463-0820, Fax +1 772-463-0860
To promote, advocate and advance the understanding and application of membrane technology to create safe, affordable and reliable water supplies, and to treat municipal, industrial, agricultural and waste waters for beneficial use.
To provide broad opportunities for the exchange of technical, operational and financial information among individuals and organizations interested in membrane technologies.
As the leading advocate of membrane processes in the United States, AMTA is a strong voice for regulatory and legislative reforms essential to the understanding, acceptance and utilization of membrane technologies.
The Association was originally named the National Water Supply Improvement Association (NWSIA) and was formed in 1974 to promote the improvement of national water supplies through desalting, reuse and other water sciences. In 1981, the name was changed to Water Supply Improvement Association (WSIA). In 1986 subsequent to a merger with the International Desalination and Environmental Association, WSIA became the North American affiliate of the International Desalination Association, under its original NWSIA name. In 1993, the name was changed to the American Desalting Association (ADA). Then in 2000, the name was changed to the American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA).
AMTA is an affiliate of the International Desalination Association, and is affiliated with the Southeast Desalting Association, the South Central Desalting Association and the WateReuse Association.
AMTA membership consists of organizations and individuals from the United States and other countries. Categories of membership include public and regulatory agencies, industrial users, water suppliers, manufacturers, equipment suppliers, consultants, engineers and academia
CFM Club Français des Membranes - - 1919 Route de Mende, 34293 Montpellier, France
Secrétariat: Sophie LAPLAZE, email: , Tel. +33 4 67 72 87 43
Le CFM regroupe des compétences ; celles de nombreux industriels, laboratoires, centres de recherches publics et privés. Il est un lieu privilégié d’échanges.
Actuellement, le Club est financé par L'ADEME, le CEA, le CNRS, L'IFP et L'INRA.
Le Club organise des journées thématiques qui répondent à la nécessité de faire le point ou d’approfondir les connaissances scientifiques, techniques et économiques sur un sujet donné.
Le Club met sur pied des groupes de travail sur des sujets proposés par ses membres, pour une durée définie en fonction d’objectifs à atteindre.
Le Club est ouvert aux contacts internationaux, il favorise les échanges avec les structures équivalentes d’autres pays. Les correspondants étrangers peuvent être admis dans le Club.
DECHEMA e.V. Fachsektion Membrantechnik - - Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25, 60486 Frankfurt, Germany
Dr. Thomas Track, email:, Tel. +49 (69) 7564 427, Fax +49 (69) 7564 117
Sabine Sporleder , Tel. +49 (69) 7564 295, Fax +49 (69) 7564 304
- Die Fachsektion Membrantechnik fördert den Dialog zwischen Hochschule, anderen Forschungseinrichtungen und der Industrie und bietet ein Forum für den Meinungsaustausch zu aktuellen Fragen der Membranforschung.
- Durchführung von Tagungen und Symposien zu allen Bereichen der Membrantechnik.
- Abstimmung und Planung von Tagungen im Bereich Membrantechnik mit anderen nationalen und internationalen Institutionen.
DGMT - Deutschen Gesellschaft für Membrantechnik e.V. - - Hammer Str. 13, 48153 Münster
email:, Tel. +49 (251) 414 07 97, Fax +49 (251) 450 47
Die DGMT wurde in 2002 als Zusammenschluss von Anlagenbauern, Membranherstellern, Beratern, Consultants, Forschung- und Entwicklung, Sonstige Firmen und Verbände, weiteren interessierten Personen
gegründet, um den Einsatz der Membrantechnik in Deutschland zu fördern.
EDS European Desalination Society - - c/o Science Park of Abruzzo, Via Antica Arischia 1, 67100 L'Aquila, Italy
email:, Cell. +39 348 8848 406, Fax +39 0862 3475 213
EDS is a Europe-wide organization for individual and corporate members including universities, companies, research institutes, government agencies and all concerned with and interested in desalination and membrane technologies for water. It is a society uniting Europeans interested in promoting desalination, water reuse and water technology. All processes are covered and the wide range of roles and activities involved in the desalination field are included: research, applications, consulting, contracting, operation and maintenance, manufacturing, marketing, economics, legislation. Members are welcome from other regions outside Europe.
ems - European Membrane Society -
- C/O Laboratoire de Génie Chimique - Université Paul Sabatier, 118, Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse cedex, France
Dr. Pierre Aimar, email:, Fax +33 5 61 55 6139
The Society exists to promote knowledge and the use of membranes and membrane processes both at Universities and in Industry.
It also aims at promoting contacts between students, researchers and industrialists.
With a market now close to 10 billion dollars per year, membranes have become an important industrial activity. Scientifically the field requires integration of knowledge from several disciplines, as especially the market for hybrid membrane processes is developing very fast today. New membrane materials make it possible to extend the use of membranes to new areas of industry where modern tailor-made materials are needed for separation processes with membranes.
ITM - Istituto di Ricerca per la Tecnologia delle Membrane -
- Via Pietro Bucci, Cubo 17C, c/o Università della Calabria, 87030 Rende (CS) ITALIA
email, Tel. +39 (0984) 492050, Fax +39 (0984) 402103
L’Istituto di Ricerca per la Tecnologia delle Membrane (ITM) è una struttura creata dal Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) per lo sviluppo, a livello nazionale ed internazionale, della scienza e della tecnologie delle membrane. Nasce dall’Istituto di Ricerca su Membrane e Modellistica di Reattori Chimici (IRMERC-CNR).
L’ITM ha Sede presso l’Università della Calabria (Rende, CS) con una unità localizzata presso l’Università di Padova.
nams - North American Membrane Society -
- C/O Chem. & Env. Eng., Mail Stop 305, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606-3390, USA
email:, Tel. +1 (419) 530-3469, Fax +1 (419) 530-8086
The North American Membrane Society is the only professional society in North America aimed at promoting all aspects of membrane science and technology. This ranges from fundamental studies of membrane chemistry, formation, and characterization to the analysis of new applications and developments in reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, ultrafiltration, microfiltration, gas separations, liquid membranes, membrane bioreactors, hemodialysis, and biomedical devices. Your membership in NAMS supports a very broad range of activities all of which promote the further development and understanding of membranes and membrane processes including:
- Organization of national and international meetings.
- Presentation of short courses and workshops.
- Support for graduate student travel to NAMS Annual Meetings.
- Promotion of graduate student research via the NAMS Fellowship Program.
- Sponsorship of the NAMS Annual Reviews of Membrane Science.
- Publication of the Membrane Quarterly.
UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology -
- C/O School of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry, The University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052 Australia
email:, Tel. +61-2 9385 4859, Fax +61-2 9385 5966
The Centre for Membrane Science and Technology at the University of New South Wales was originally established as a Commonwealth Special Research Centre in February 1988.
The Centre has established a network of technical liaison and collaboration in Australia, including various research groups and other Centres within the University of New South Wales, other Universities and Government research organisations.
In 1992, Mr. Barry Jones MP signed an agreement on behalf of the Centre with UNESCO by which the Centre was awarded the status of a UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology, one of only four UNESCO Science Centres worldwide. The UNESCO Centre functions under the auspices of the Commonwealth Special Research Centre.
The activities of the Centre for Membrane Science and Technology span a very broad spectrum of research and development in the field of membrane science and technology. We continue to attempt to maintain a balance between fundamental research, both on biological and synthetic membranes, and more applied studies.
The research carried out in the Centre covers such areas as:
- Fundamental studies, both experimental and theoretical, aimed at elucidating molecular structure, trans port mechanisms and electrical properties of synthetic and biological cell membranes.
- Fundamental studies and development of Field Effect Membranes.
- Development of novel conducting membranes which allow electrical control of separation, fouling and cleaning.
- Development of new instruments and theoretical analytical tools for the physical characterisation of membranes and membrane processes.
- Development and evaluation of membrane modules and systems.
- The application of membranes to food and biotechnology, water and waste water, process industries and biomedicine.
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