Conferences and meetings

  May 15-17, 2007 Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment Harrogate, United Kingdom

  June 4-5, 2007 Membrane technologies for wastewater treatment and reuse Berlin, Germany

Membrane technologies for wastewater treatment and reuse - 2nd IWA National Young Water Professionals Conference, Germany Membrane technologies for wastewater treatment and reuse
2nd IWA National Young Water Professionals Conference, Germany

Berlin, Germany - June 4-5, 2007

Download the programme


The Berlin Centre of Competence for Water is pleased to organise, together with the International Water Association, the 2nd National Young Water Professionals Conference in Germany.

This event will be held on 4-5 June 2007 in Berlin and is following up on the first NYWP conference organised in Aachen in October 2005. It will provide a forum for young researchers and professionals working in the membrane sector of the wastewater industry to present their work and meet their peers. The conference will consist of formal presentation of papers and posters, and an exchange with water industry professionals providing information on water career opportunities in Germany.

This event is an initiative of “MBR-Network”, the European cluster on the membrane bioreactor technology, gathering about 50 European and international companies and institutions within the four FP6 projects Amedeus, Eurombra, MBR-Train and Puratreat (more info at

The technical program of the conference consists mainly of contributions from German and international young water professionals including students, recent graduates and other professionals under the age of 35. Scientists and professionals of all age are welcome to attend the conference. The language of the conference will be English.

Conference Topics

The conference theme will be

“Membrane technologies for wastewater treatment and reuse”.

The conference program will reflect the latest issues on the following topics in relation to membrane processes to treat municipal or industrial wastewater:
- Tertiary micro- or ultra-filtration
- Membrane activated sludge process
- Anaerobic membrane reactor
- Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis
- Hybrid membrane systems
- Operational experience and optimisation
- Design and performances of biological process
- Fouling, cleaning
- Modelling
- Decentralised membrane systems
- Novel technologies and concepts
- Membrane reuse scheme implementation

INDUSTRIAL WATER 2006 will bring together developers, manufacturers and providers of industrial water treatment technologies from research and industry, service providers, environmental and water managers in industry and end-users of water-intensive industries, such as the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, automotive, electronics and metal-processing industries. The conference will provide a platform to present cutting-edge developments, to show new applications, to report on progress in research, to discuss administrative aspects, to consider strategies for implementation and to exchange experience and knowledge on an internation

NYWP Conference – Organising Committee, Berlin Centre of Competence for Water - - Cicerostrasse 24, D-10709 Berlin, Germany
email: iwa[at], Tel. + 49 (0)30 536 538 01, Fax + 49 (0)30 536 538 88

Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment
Harrogate, United Kingdom - May 15-17, 2007

Cranfield University School of Water Sciences, in partnership with the IWA, is pleased to announce details of The 4th IWA International Membranes Conference - Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment. This major industry event will take place at The Harrogate International Centre in the United Kingdom. Please be advised and note the Conference date has been rescheduled and will now take place from 15th-17th May 2007. All other details for the conference remain unchanged with one exception which is the date for the submission of papers. A revised submissions schedule will be published soon.

The program for 2007 is intended to cover all aspects of Membrane Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatment. The meeting will be based on the same format as that used in previous years, encompassing plenary sessions, key note speeches from academic and industry experts, technical and scientific forums and presentations, poster sessions and various supplementary events providing further networking opportunities.

Topics are likely to include, but by no means exclusively:

Production and testing of novel membrane materials
Membrane configurations for use in aqueous processing.

Pure and ultra pure water production
Potable water treatment
Industrial water and Industrial effluent treatment
Municipal and domestic sewage treatment
Water reuse and recycling.

Reverse osmosis
Nanofiltration (NF), Ultrafiltration (UF) and Microfiltration (MF).
Membrane bioreactors, both for bubbleless gas transfer and biomass separation.

Operational issues
Automation and control
Membrane integrity
Fouling and process economics.

Other areas
Include laboratory, pilot-scale and full-scale case studies as well as modelling studies.

AMK Aachener Membran Kolloquium AMK - 11. Aachener Membran Kolloquium

Alle zwei Jahre wird das Aachener Membran Kolloquium vom Institut für Verfahrenstechnik (IVT) als Forum für industrielle Membrananwendungen in Deutschland und Europa organisiert. Unter dem Motto "aus der Praxis für die Praxis" wird im Rahmen von gut 20 Vorträgen geladener Referenten in erster Linie über großtechnisch realisierte Membranverfahren und Betriebserfahrungen aus diesem Bereich vorgetragen. Eine Teilnehmerzahl von 300 in den Jahren 2003 und 2005 belegt das große Interesse an dieser Themenstellung.

Es ist unser besonderes Anliegen, nicht nur über aktuelle Anwendungen und Trends zu informieren, sondern auch, eine offene Diskussion zwischen Entwicklern, Herstellern und Betreibern von Membranen und Membrananlagen zu fördern. Deshalb wird das Aachener Membran Kolloquium von einer Fach- und Posterausstellung über aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten im Bereich der Membrantechnologie begleitet.

Derzeit erhalten Sie den Flyer des 11. AMK zum Download. Das Programm wird ab Dezember 2006 zum Download bereit stehen.

Institut für Verfahrenstechnik der RWTH Aachen (IVT) - - Turmstraße 46, 52056 Aachen
Dipl.-Ing. Clemens Fritzmann, email:, Tel. +49 241 809 5149, Fax +49 241 809 2252

Membrane Technology Conference (MTC) Membrane Technology Conference (MTC)

The Membrane Technology Conference (MTC) will be held in Tampa, Florida
March 18-21, 2007 at the Marriott Waterside.

You'll Learn About
Membrane technologies such as reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, and electrodialysis, Regulatory issues, Membrane integrity monitoring, Membrane cost modeling, Small system issues, Process applications, Desalting, Membranes for wastewater treatment, Operational issues, Advances in technology, Latest research in membrane technology,

Who Should Attend
Water utility plant personnel, Water and wastewater engineers, Designers, Consultants, Local, state, and federal regulators, Researchers, Manufacturers.

Interested in exhibiting? The Exhibitor Prospectus will be available in mid-September 2006.

Interested in attending? Full conference information will be available in December 2006.

American Water Works Association

Membrane Technology Conference (MTC) Ultra- and nanofiltration in water treatment
Workshop on "Operational experience and research results"

Aachen, December 14th-15th, 2006

Water supply in Europe faces opportunities as well as challengespromoting the application of advanced treatment technologies such as membrane filtration. This technology can improve drinking water quality and tackle pollutants of concern such as disinfection by-product precursors or trace organics.

Although membrane filtration is now applied in an increasing number of installations there is still room for improvement with respect to operational issues. Furthermore, baseline recommendations for a good operational practice have to be developped.

This workshop in the frame of TECHNEAU Work Area 5 "Operation and Maintenance" envisages to present operational experiences and recent results from application-oriented research on ultra-and nanofiltration for drinking water production in Europe.

The event shall provide a platform for an open exchange of information on current issues between operators, research institutes, consultants, membrane suppliers and project contractors.

A range of European speakers will cover the following topics:
- Operational experiences in different European regions
- Integration of membrane filtration in water treatment systems
- Trace contaminants removal
- Nanofiltration of anaerobic groundwater and natural organic matter rich surface water
- Future perspectives of membrane technology in drinking water production

The workshop is free of charge.
For more information please download the workshop flyer.
For participation please fill in the fax registration form and send it to the included fax number.

RWTH Aachen University - Department of Chemical Engineering, Turmstraße 46 D, 52056 Aachen, Germany
Diana Marquardt, email:, Fax +49 (241) 809 22 52

Filtration in der Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie Filtration in der Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie

08.-09.03.07, Geisenheim (D)

Aus dem Inhalt:
- Cellulose als Ersatzstoff von Kieselgur
- Einsatz der Cross Flow Technologie mit Hohlfasermembranen für die Wein-, Sekt- und Fruchtsaftindustrie
- Praktische Erfahrungen mit der Cross Flow Filtration von Bier
- Stand der Mikrofiltration von Milch mit verschiedenen Membranen
- Purification Technologies: Anwendungen für die Lebensmittelindustrie mit Focus auf Membranadsorbern
- Weiterentwicklung und Perspektiven des Klassikers Tiefenfilterschicht
- Partikelablagerungsmechanismen an Membranen
- Membran-Substrat-Wechselwirkungen bei Filtrationsverfahren mit organischen und keramischen Membranen
- Fortschritte bei der Reinigung von Membranen und Filtersystemen – Mechanismen des Fouling und Methoden zur Entfernung der Deckschicht
- Reinigung von Membranen durch Enzymaktivitäten
- Nachweisverfahren des Fouling
- Validierung und Qualifizierung von Filterkerzen (Bacteria Challenge Test, Partikelrückhaltung, Flux, Stabilität)
- Aufbereitung von Brüdenkondensat und anderen Prozesswässern
- Mikrofiltration von Prozesswasser und Brunnenwasseraufbereitung mit Membranfiltration
- Betriebserfahrungen mit einer Membranfiltrationsanlage zur Aufbereitung von Kläranlagenablauf zu Prozesswasser in einem fruchtsaftverarbeitenden Betrieb
- Energetische Verwertung von UF-Permeaten in Biogasanlagen
- Möglichkeit zur Besichtigung der Fachgebiete Kellerwirtschaft oder Getränkeforschung der Forschungsanstalt Geisenheim

Alle weiteren Informationen dazu können Sie im Programm lesen.

RGDL-Geschäftsstelle - www.gdl-ev.deDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Godesberger Allee 142-148, 53175 Bonn, Germany
email:, Tel. +49 228 37 90 80, Fax +49 228 37 64 01

2nd European Conference on Filtration and Separation, Compiègne 2nd European Conference on Filtration and Separation

Compiègne, France - October 12-13, 2006

ECFS2 (2nd European Conference on Filtration and Separation) will be held in Compiegne under the responsibility of the Filtration and Separation Working Party of European Federation of Chemical Engineering, Filtration Society, French "Society Génie de Procédés Industriels" and French Filtration Society, Pôle Régional "Génie des Procédés", Institut de la Filtration et des Techniques Séparatives Liquide-Solide, University of Techology of Compiegne.

The conference will be organized on the following topics :

Towards predicting filtration and separation (including computer modeling, imaging, process monitoring, testing and validation, equipment selection)

Technical developments in filter media (for example, in woven and non-woven media, membranes, composite media, filter aids)

Advances in industrial filtration equipment (in, for example, thickeners, vacuum filters, pressure filters, filtering and sedimenting centrifuges, gaz filters, membrane filtration including microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nonofiltration, cyclones)

Emergent technologies (field assisted : electrical, magnetic, acoustic, vibrational methods in separation processes, and in pre-treatment / post-treatment operations ; bio- and chemical enhancement / coagulation and flocculation)

New filtration and separation applications (in, for example, water and waste water treatment, paper making, chemical and food industries)

The official language will be English

The Conference includes 3 types of presentation :
- Invited papers on the main topics of the conference selected by the Scientific Committee
- Oral presentations
- Posters

Secrétariat ESFC, ILC Pole Technoloqique - - Centre de transfert, 66, Avenue de Landshut, 60201 Compiègne, France
email:, Tel. +33 3 44 23 45 10, Fax +33 3 44 86 39 46

Euromembrane 2006 Euromembrane 2006, September 24-28 ,2006

The aim of the Euromembrane 2006 Conference is to provide a common platform for scientific exchanges on new ideas and latest research works in the field of Membrane Science and Technology and in other areas where membrane technology is applied. The technical programme of the conference will include plenary and keynote lectures and contributed papers on all the aspects of membrane science and on their traditional as well as advanced and new applications. The programme will start with an opening lecture by a leading expert. Three parallel sessions are planned. For plenary lectures 45 minutes are scheduled, while oral presentations will have a total of 25 minutes including time for discussion. During the parallel sessions also keynote lectures will be considered.

Conference Organizer:
Institute on Membrane Technology, ITM-CNR, C/o University of Calabria,
University of Calabria - UNICAL / Centre of Excellence CEMIF.CAL

ITM-CNR, C/o University of Calabria - - Via P. Bucci 17/C, 87030 Rende (CS), Italy

Membrane filtration in the food and drinks industry
Hosted by the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath, United Kingdom - September 7, 2006

Conference theme:

This one-day technical meeting is being organised by the Food and Drink Subject Group of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. A selection of academic and industrial experts from the UK and overseas will discuss synthetic membrane filtration issues across a range of food and beverage sectors.

You can download the Programme and Registration Form


09:30 Registration, Introduction and Welcome
Colin Bailey - Chairman.

10:10 Microfiltration of milk
Jeanette Lindau - Tetrapak Sweden.
Microfiltration of milk can be done for a numerous of reasons, such as removal of micro-organisms and fractionation of the milk proteins. Milk is a complex fluid and not always easy to microfilter and the pre-treatment can be very important. Examples of some problems and solutions will be presented.

10:40 Membrane fouling: analysis and in situ 3D characterization using multi-photon microscopy
Robert Field - University of Oxford.
In situ 3D characterization of protein fouling both on the surface and within the pores of the membrane was achieved using multi-photon microscopy. Time lapsed images of the fouled membrane were obtained for single suspensions and mixtures of fluorescently labelled bovine serum albumin and ovalbumin. An extention of Hermia's analysis of modes of fouling will also be given.

11:10 Morning tea / coffee

11:40 Membrane optimisation in the fruit juice and brewing industries
Frank Lipnizki - Alfa Laval, Denmark.
Potential applications and case studies of membrane technology for the beverage industry will be presented with focus on the fruit juice and brewing industry.

12:10 Ultrafiltration of tea and lignosulphonate liquors
Mike Bird - University of Bath.
The UF of tea and lignosulphonate liquors are examples of industrially relevant separations. The importance of membrane parameters such as roughness, charge and hydrophobicity upon performance over multiple operational cycles will be discussed.

14:00 Membrane technology in the tea industry
Francois-Xavier Pierre - Unilever R+D Colworth.
Tea manufacturers face a number of challenges, some specific, others shared with the wine, cider or fruit juice industry. Through specific examples, it will be shown how membrane technology can respond to a variety of these challenges, with benefits for the organoleptic properties, composition or stability of the tea product.

14:30 Novel membrane surface science
Chris Wright - University of Wales, Swansea.
Membrane separation performance within a specific process can be optimised through manipulation of the polymer membrane. Novel polymer fabrication techniques will be presented including the production of highly ordered microfiltration systems and the production of positively charged nanofiltration membranes using self assembly techniques. The current application of atomic force microscopy to optimisation or membrane systems will also be discussed.

15:30 Polishing filtration of wine and cider
Simon Avery - Pall Filtration.
Oenoflow Crossflow systems. One of the main objectives of the OenoFlow system is the separation of undesired particles and micro-organisms and the highest possible protection of the wine / cider quality and characteristics. The OenoFlow system can be used in all steps of winemaking or cidermaking: directly after fermentation, after cold-stabilization and prior to bottling. There will also be a case study of Oenoflow used on cider.

16:00 Final discussion and Close

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath - - Bath BA2 7AY, United Kingdom
email:, Tel. +44 (1225) 386338

9th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes 9th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes

The 9th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes will be held in Lillehammer, Norway, June 25-29, 2006, at the Radisson SAS Lillehammer Hotel. ICIM9 will cover all aspects of inorganic membrane research and development, as well as applications of inorganic membranes in industry and elsewhere.

Conference Chair:
- Dr. Rune Bredesen, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry
Conference Co-chairs:
- Dr. André Ayral, Institut Européen des Membranes
- Prof. Dr. Freek Kapteijn, Delft University of Technology
Conference Coordinator:
- Mr. Henrik Raeder, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry

ICIMs are biennial international conferences devoted exclusively to the science and technology of inorganic membranes. Since its inception in 1989 in Montpellier, France, ICIMs have been held in Montpellier (2nd), Worchester, USA (3rd), Gatlinburg, USA (4th), Nagoya, Japan (5th), Montpellier (6th), Dalian, China (7th) and Cincinnati, USA (8th). The former eight conferences provided excellent opportunities for researchers from academia and industries to report and discuss the fundamentals and applications of inorganic membranes.
ICIM9 will continue this tradition. ICIM9 will include oral and poster presentations covering recent advances in all aspects of inorganic membrane science and technology. The meeting will also include workshops. The specific themes of the workshops are yet to be decided.
The ICIM 9 Conference will provide a forum to the participants to stay abreast of recent developments in inorganic membrane research and development, get a perspective on the novel and emerging technologies, and continue the academic exchange of information on membrane materials and processes. The ICIM9 Organising Committee cordially invites you to attend!

ICIM9 will cover all aspects of inorganic membrane research and development, as well as applications of inorganic membranes in industry and elsewhere. Leading membrane scientists will be invited to give extended in-depth presentations of the latest developments in their fields of research. Oral contributions will be given in two parallel sessions. A poster hall will be open most of the conference duration, and dedicated poster discussion sessions will be arranged.

In particular, contributions related to the following areas are welcome:
Inorganic membranes:
Microporous, mesoporous and macroporous, Zeolite and non-conventional Inorganic, Metallic, Carbon and other non-oxide ceramic, Proton and oxygen ion conducting, Inorganic-organic mixed-matrix.

Inorganic membrane applications
Gas separation and liquid separation, Filtration, Membrane reactors and membranes in energy conversion, Fuel cells, Biochemical and biomedical applications, Catalysis in inorganic membranes, Sensor applications and membrane miniaturisation.

Properties and modelling
Transport properties, Chemical, structural and thermodynamic properties, Modelling of membrane processes, Reactor modelling that includes membrane characteristics, Membrane characterisation.

SINTEF - - P.O.Box 124 Blindern, NO-0314 Oslo, Norway
Ms. Unni Henriksen, email:, +47 930 59 402, Fax +47 220 67 350

MEMPRO 3, Nancy MEMPRO 3 - Intégration des membranes dans les procédés,
  5,6 & 7 Avril 2006 Nancy, France

La mise en oeuvre des membranes dans les procédés est une source importante d’innovations et les membranes trouvent chaque jour de nouvelles applications dans les procédés existants. Par ailleurs, elles seront au cœur des procédés futurs actuellement en cours de développement et leur intégration sera souvent une étape clef de l’industrialisation.
C'est pourquoi, cette troisième édition se propose de répondre aux quatre objectifs suivants:
1. Présenter l'état de l'art,
2. Stimuler les échanges entre les utilisateurs, les équipementiers et les chercheurs,
3. Etudier les réalisations émergentes et potentielles.
4. Explorer l'apport des nanotechnologies aux procédés membranaires.

Le colloque sera orienté vers les applications industrielles en s'attachant à mettre en lumière les apports de la Recherche vis à vis de l'intégration des opérations membranaires dans les procédés. Il fera également une place importante à la prospective.

Des sessions spécifiques seront dédiées aux applications dans les domaines :
- Agro-alimentaire,
- Santé, pharmacie, cosmétique, chimie fine,
- Eaux potables et eaux de procédé, traitement des effluents,
- Gaz Industriels, énergie, etc.

comité d'organisation
- Vincent QUEUDOT (INPL/ENSIC, Nancy)
- Gilbert RIOS (ENSCM/CFM/SFGP, Montpellier)
- Hélène ROUX-de BALMANN (CNRS, Toulouse)
- Stéphane SARRADE (CFM/CEA Valrho, Marcoule)
- Isabelle SOUCHON (INRA, Grignon)
- Michel VIVIER (CPE, Lyon)

Secretariat administratif
CPE LYON MEMPRO3 - - 31 place Bellecour, 69002 Lyon
email:, Tel. +33 4 72 32 50 60, Fax +33 4 72 32 51 29

International workshop - Membranes in solvent filtration Membranes in Solvent Filtration
International Workshop
, Organized by VITO NV and KULeuven in collaboration with UGent, Belgium
Campus Library Arenberg, Leuven (Belgium) - March 23-24, 2006

>> Download the Invitation & Lecture programme


During the last decades, membrane filtration has found its way to industrial application. Primarily mild water based streams are treated with polymer membranes, while at the same time ceramic UF and MF are becoming mature technologies in more harsh circumstances. Furthermore, it becomes more and more clear that a lot of solvent based separations, especially in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, could benefit from solvent resistant membranes. These separations are primarily situated in the range of nanofiltration or pervaporation which has led to a growing activity in the development of solvent resistant polymer and ceramic membranes, especially for nanofiltration. Different products are already commercialized or are in commercialization stage.

More and more experience is available with solvent filtrations; experimental observations show that filtration behavior in solvents is much more complex than in water. A thorough understanding of the solvent performance of membranes, both permeability and retention, is essential for a successful application and implementation in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

It is the aim of this workshop to gather all, primarily European, researchers and process engineers active and/or interested in solvent filtration, both from universities and industry. The oral programme will exclusively consist of lectures from key-persons in the field. Both experimental data, from research studies and application tests, and theoretical modelling will be discussed. All participants will be invited to send in posters with their contribution. The purpose of the workshop is to exchange ideas and experiences concerning solvent filtration; therefore, sufficient time for interaction will be scheduled.

VITO, Milieu- en Procestechnologie, Environmental and Process Technology - Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium
Anita Buekenhoudt, email:, Tel. +32 14 335637, Fax +32 14 321186

Theory and Practice of Brackish/Seawater Desalination by Reverse Osmosis Technology

a short course in Hurghada, Egypt - March 7-9, 2006

- Mr. Reinhard Kalbfuss, Toray Membrane Europe AG (TMEu), Switzerland
- Mr. Jochen Kallenberg, TMEu, Switzerland
- Mr. Belkacem Lagrine, TMEu, Switzerland
- Mr. Rolf Knab, World Wide Water Systems AG (WWWS), Germany
- Mr. Hans-Ulrich Baldes, WWWS, Germany

- Raw water quality
- Raw water treatment
- Chemical conditioning
- RO design
- Start-up and shutdown procedures
- Data keeping
- Monitoring
- Normalization
- Trouble shooting

email:, Tel.

Membrane desalination and membrane water filtration
a 4-days intensive course in L'Aquila, Italy, February 20–23, 2006

Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration and
MF/UF Systems
Process, Design, Applications and Economics

Lecturer Mark Wilf, Ph.D.

The Membrane Desalination and Membrane Water Filtration Technology
Course encompasses the latest state-of-the-art commercial membrane desalination technology. It provides a thorough overview and understanding of the RO, NF, and MF/UF processes, all with a detailed discussion on how to apply, design and operate potable systems using innovative membrane technologies, and how to evaluate project economics. The seminar contents is directed toward project engineers, plant designers, planners, utility directors, and operation managers, involved in municipal and industrial membrane projects.
Also scientists and academics interested in membrane desalination will find in this course an insight into latest trends in commercial membrane desalination technologies for potable water applications.
A step-by-step approach to designing, operating and cost evaluation of membrane system is explained in simple practical terms, all backed up by sample process calculations and case studies. The information included in this seminar represents the current state of development of commercial membrane desalination technology and applications for potable water production.

The course provides information, education and real life examples of the following major subjects:
- Principles of membrane separation — presents explanation of membrane technology and factors that affect membrane element performance in field operation.
- RO/NF system configurations and system design parameters — presents information on major components, process steps and configuration of desalination plants and modern approach to membrane plant design process including optimization of power consumption and water cost.
- RO/NF system design, construction and operation — presents information on the design process, steps of projects execution, commissioning and approach to assure successful plant operation.
- Application of RO and nanofiltrtaion technology in wastewater reclamation plants — presents overview of suitable membrane technology for wastewater processing, practical range of design parameters and experience based performance projections.
- Cost estimation and planning process of RO/NF desalination projects — presents information on cost factors to be considered in preparation of desalination project budget. It also includes detailed discussion on their relative importance in different types of desalination project alternatives such as Turn-key, DBO, BOOT.
- Microfiltration and ultrafiltration technology — presents information on this new emerging technology, commercial membrane modules and process economics. It describes various alternatives of process and system configurations applied for treatment of potable water and as pretreatment technology in RO plants.

Dr. Mark Wilf, Vice President Corporate Technology, for Hydranautics Corporation, San Diego, CA, has planned and will deliver the course. Dr. Wilf has a long career in the reverse osmosis membrane industry and has published and presented many papers in this field. He holds a number of patents in the field of membrane desalination.

European Desalination Society - Science and Technology Park of Abruzzo, Via Antica Arischia 1, 67100 L'Aquila, Italy
Miriam Balaban, email:, Tel. +39 348 8848406; Fax +39 0862 3475 213

DECHEMA Frankfurt am Main, Germany - February 6-8, 2006 - INDUSTRIAL WATER 2006 European Conference on Efficient Use of Water Resources in Industry INDUSTRIAL WATER 2006
European Conference on Efficient Use of Water Resources in Industry

Frankfurt am Main, Germany - February 6-8, 2006
>> Download the Invitation & Lecture programme


Water is indispensable to industry, its availability in suitable quality and quantity is an important factor for investment decisions. Its responsible use is the basis for sustainable global development and stable economic growth.

European water service industries and water-intensive industries face several challenges in the coming decades:

Regulative requirements, such as the WFD (Water Framework Directive), IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive) and REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals Policy), have to be considered in future planning and investment decisions.

The need for enhanced production process efficiency and reliability, advanced product quality standards and new products requires innovative, optimised water treatment technologies. Their efficient integration in production processes is a further challenge.

The global competitiveness of water-intensive industry in Europe calls for the reduction of water-related costs throughout the production chain. On the other hand the rising markets in Eastern Europe and Asia offer great potential for the implementation of new technologies and services for industrial water treatment.

Changes in climate conditions over the coming decades will lead to increasing water shortages in many regions of Europe, causing stress to surface and groundwater resources and resulting in highly varying raw water quality and periods of raw water scarcity.

The goal of this event is to face these challenges and to discuss innovative, economically and ecologically efficient strategies for industrial water treatment.


The Scientific Committee invites you to submit a contribution for an oral or poster presentation on the following topics:
- Water resources for industrial processes: efficient use and reuse
- Water conditioning for the process industries
- Treatment of industrial waste water
- Innovative membrane and combined technologies
- Hygienisation of water
- Innovative materials and coatings in water technology
- Treatment and reuse of cooling water
- Special applications of treatment technologies
- Chemicals for water treatment
- New equipment and maintenance for transport and treatment
- Other topics

INDUSTRIAL WATER 2006 will bring together developers, manufacturers and providers of industrial water treatment technologies from research and industry, service providers, environmental and water managers in industry and end-users of water-intensive industries, such as the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, automotive, electronics and metal-processing industries. The conference will provide a platform to present cutting-edge developments, to show new applications, to report on progress in research, to discuss administrative aspects, to consider strategies for implementation and to exchange experience and knowledge on an internation

DECHEMA e.V. - -Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25, 60486 Frankfurt am Main/Germany
Renate Strauss, email:, Tel. +49 (69) 7564-249, Fax +49 (69) 7564-176

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