Agape Water Solutions, Inc. - www.agapewater.com
- 1567 Gehman Road, Gehman Road Industrial Commons, Harleysville, PA 19438 USA
Jeff Tate, System Design and Technical Support,
email: jtate@agapewater.com, Tel. +1 (215) 631-7035 Ext 101
Ionpure Technologies Master Service Provider.
Agape Water Solutions, Inc. designs, manufactures and services industrial high purity water systems.
Products: reverse osmosis membrane systems
Agape Water Solutions, Inc. provides RO Systems which utilize semi permeable membranes to purify water.
Membranes are manufactured by companies such as Toray America, Hydranautics and Dow Filmtec.
The spirally wound membranes are housed inside a round pressure vessel.
Water pressure is applied at the membrane inlet to remove dissolved solids from the feed water.
As the water flows across the outside of each membrane, the pressure drives pure water through the membrane and purified water exits through the internal permeate tube.
The water remaining outside the membrane is concentrated and typically sent to drain.