Danmark - Membranfiltreringsteknologi advertising    


APV membrane filtration systems for all dairy applications SPX APV - www.apv.com
- Pasteursvej, 8600 Silkeborg, Danmark

Irene Constantin, email, Tel. +45 70 278 278

APV is a leading supplier of membrane filtration plants with close to one thousand plants installed worldwide, and supplies: - All types of membrane filtration systems for all dairy applications - A large number of food & beverage applications - Some chemical & pharmaceutical applications - Environmental applications within food related industries.

APV designs and produces membrane filtration systems based on Spiral Wound, Plate and Frame, Tubular Organic and Tubular Ceramic membranes.
APV’s expertise covers liquid milk processing, cheese and whey products, butter and yellow fat spreads, dried, agglomerated, evaporated and condensed products, cultured products baby foods, and soya milk.

DSS Silkeborg AS leverandør af membranfiltreringsteknologi til mejeriindustrien DSS Silkeborg AS - www.dss-silkeborg.com
- Frichsvej 21, 8600 Silkeborg, Danmark

email, Tel. +45 8720 0840

DSS Silkeborg udvikler og leverer membranfiltreringsteknologi til mejeriindustrien. Vores hjemsted er byen Silkeborg, som i mere end 100 år har været kendt verden over for fremstilling af kvalitetsudstyr til mejerier.
DSS Silkeborg er en vidensbaseret virksomhed, der beskæftiger en stor del af branchens mest erfarne eksperter – vi er i alt 30 ansatte. Vi har et tæt samarbejde med vore specialiserede underleverandører samt en række andre leverandører af procesudstyr til mejeriindustrien.

Vi har bevidst valgt at fokusere på én teknologi til én industri, og vi er Europas førende leverandør af membranfiltreringsteknologi til mejeriindustrien.

GEA Filtration Skanderborg GEA Liquid Processing Scandinavia A/S - www.geafiltration.com
- GEA Filtration Division Norskovvej 1 b, 8660 Skanderborg, Danmark

email, Tel.

GEA Filtration is part of GEA, an international process engineering leader in the life sciences industry with more than 150 companies operating worldwide. As a team member with technology leaders like Niro, Westfalia Separator, GEA Wiegand and Tuchenhagen specializing in liquid and powder processing systems, GEA Filtration is uniquely positioned to provide both customized membrane filtration plants as well as complete process lines specifically tailored to each customer's specific needs and requirements.

Reverse Osmosis of Skim milk: Cheese Vat, Ice Cream, Cultured Dairy Products, Evaporator Expansion
Ultrafiltration of Whole and Skim Milk: Cheese Vat, Fluid Milk Protein Fortification, Cultured Dairy Products, Ice Cream, Reduced Carbohydrate Ice Cream, Reduced Carbohydrate Fluid Milk
Microfiltration of Whole and Skim Milk: Bacteria Removal / Extended Shelf Life Milk, Casien Fractionation
Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration, Ultrafiltration, Microfiltration of Whey

Hydranautics HYDRANAUTICS - www.hydranautics.com
- Ericavej 168, Gentofte, Danmark

Jorgen Wagner, Business Development Manager Process Separations Europe, email, Tel.

Hydranautics manufactures a wide range of reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and process separation membranes. We are the proven global technology leader in state-of-the art spiral wound and capillary products, which we offer in a range of diameters and lengths for a variety of applications.

RO Reverse Osmosis Technology for Well Water, Surface Water, Seawater, Wastewater and mini-elements, Nanofiltration and Ultrafiltration
Recognizing the needs of the industry and the dedication to finding a complete membrane solution for every water treatment problem, Hydranautics pioneered the concept of Integrated Membrane Solutions (IMS), a concept designed to combine and implement a range of membrane technologies — RO, NF and UF — to achieve the most comprehensive, effective and low-cost solutions available in the industry.
The SanRO Product line includes sanitary membranes for Pharmaceutical / Bio Water
The QUALSEP Product line includes DairyRO High performance dairy process membranes.

KRÜGER Krüger A/S - www.kruger.dk
- Gladsaxevej 363, 2860 Søborg, Danmark

Peter Borch Nielsen, email, Tel.

Jern, mangan, farve, organisk stof, suspenderet stof, turbiditet, alger og sundhedsskadelige mikroorganismer som f.eks. Giardia og Cryptosporidium kan effektivt fjernes fra drikkevand ved hjælp af membranfiltrering.
Membranfiltreret vand har konstant en særdeles høj vandkvalitet samtidig med at rensningsprocessen er yderst simpel og kompakt.
Energiforbruget ved Krügers mikro/ultra-filtreringsprocesser er meget lavt - typisk under 0,15 kWh/m3 produceret vand - og den daglige renholdelse af membranerne er kemikaliefri.

membrane site map    www.membrane-guide.com