United Kingdom - Membranes, Modules and Systems for the membrane filtration |
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IONOTEC LTD - www.ionotec.com
- 14 Berkeley Court, Manor Park, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1TQ, United Kingdom
Steve Heavens, email: info@ionotec.com, Tel. +44 (0)1928-579668
We manufacture ceramic materials, particularly ion-conductive ceramics which find application as membranes in electrochemical systems such as
fuel cells,
sensors and chemical converters. These include cation-conductive beta aluminas, oxide ion conductors, and electron-conductive ceramics including doped cerium, titanium and zirconium oxides.
We also have facilities for machining ceramics and for bonding ceramic-to-ceramic, ceramic-to-metal and metal-to-metal combinations in various shapes and sizes.
Accepta - www.accepta.com
- Quay West, Trafford Wharf Road, Manchester M17 1HH, United Kingdom
email, Tel. +44 (0)161 240 2100
Accepta is an industry leading supplier of high quality water and waste water treatment chemicals, speciality chemicals, water test kits, reagents, testing, analysis, chemical dosing and control equipment.
Products: Reverse Osmosis Chemicals
Accepta 2051: Membrane scale inhibitor for reverse osmosis
Accepta 2066: Reverse osmosis sequestrant to remove calcium sulphate
Accepta 2067: Reverse osmosis detergent for soft organic deposits
Accepta 2068: Reverse osmosis ammoniated citric for removing iron deposits
Accepta 2069: Reverse osmosis low foaming detergent for removing organic matter
Accepta 2091: Reverse osmosis membrane antiscalant
Accepta 2095: Polymer based RO scale inhibitor
Avista Technologies (UK) Ltd. - www.avistatech.com
- Waterside House, P.O. Box 28612, Edinburgh EH14 5ZL, United Kingdom
email, Tel. +44 (0)131 449 6677
Avista Technologies offers an array of technical and support services which can be effective tools in improving the performance of reverse osmosis membranes.
The sole focus of our laboratory staff and support services is to determine, understand, and deal with membrane fouling issues.
Products: Antiscalants, Biocides, Cleaners, Coagulants
Axium Process Ltd - www.axiumprocess.com
- Hendy Industrial Estate, Hendy, Swansea SA4 OXP, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 (0)1792 883 882
Axium Process is a specialist stainless steel system fabricator supplying custom built process equipment, components, fittings and filtration equipment to companies throughout the hygienic industries both in the UK and overseas.
Designing in accordance with ASME-BPE2002 principles, our emphasis is on best practice hygienic engineering. Capabilities range from specialist high end pharmaceutical adaptors and custom fabrications to fully integrated process plant and equipment.
Membrane filtration systems: Project design and management capabilities, Product and process development, In-house machining, fabrication and polishing.
Operating primarily in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries, our filtration capabilities range from the design and build of mobile membrane pilot plants through to fully automatic systems of more than 2000 sq metres membrane area.
With over 150 man years of membrane filtration experience, our team of highly skilled engineers have the expertise to design, build and commission a system that will meet your exact requirements.
Derwent Water Systems Ltd. - www.derwentwatersystems.co.uk
- Unit 6, Brookfield Way, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 5ND, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 1629 55617
Since 1985, Derwent Water Systems has established itself as a leading manufacturer and supplier of quality water treatment plant, ranging from basic water softeners and reverse osmosis equipment to customer specified complex water treatment solutions.
Softeners, Filters, Demineralisers, Reverse Osmosis Plant and Dealkalisation Plants.
Derwent also stocks a large range of spares & equipment, including:
Ion Exchange Resins, Filter Media and Reverse Osmosis Membranes.
Esmil Process Systems Ltd. - www.esmil.co.uk
- The Loft, 30 Abbey Barn Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 1RW, United Kingdom
Dev Chabba, Managing Director and Process Engineer, Tel. +44 1494 526 155
Esmil Process Systems is a private UK Based company which specialises in the Water Treatment and Water Recovery of Challenging Industrial Effluents by the supply of "Fit for Purpose" Systems combining advantages of conventional treatment processes with proven membrane technology.
Over the past twenty years ESMIL have designed and built water and effluent treatment plants for a wide range of industrial sectors throughout the world.
Esmil design and build Industrial Wastewater and Effluent Treatment Plants.
Typically for process industries including MDF and Petrochemical, Pulp and Paper, Textiles, Food and Beverages.
Our products utilise cutting edge membrane technology to provide 'zero discharge' recovery and wastewater treatment systems that are kind to the environment and cost effective to build, operate and maintain.
Fairey Industrial Ceramics - www.faireyceramics.co.uk
- Lymedale Cross, Lower Milehouse Lane, Newcastle-under-Lyme ST5 9BT, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 1782 664420
Fairey Industrial Ceramics Limited (FICL) is part of the Taylor Tunnicliff - a diverse ceramics group, manufacturing both industrial and consumer products.
FICL is headquartered in the Potteries region of the North of England, world famous for its ceramics industry.
Products: ceramic membranes
Faireys Industrial Ceramics Limited offers a series of standard porous media which ranges in pore size from 0.2 microns (in the case of our crossflow microfiltration membranes) to 525 microns (in the case of our Pyrolith and Coralith media).
Depending on the material selection, porous ceramic components are available in tube, tile or disc forms.
GE Betz - www.gebetz.com
- Foundry Lane, Widnes, Cheshire WA88UD, United Kingdom
William Jackson, Tel. +44 151 420 9632
Koch Chemical Technology Group Ltd. - www.kochmembrane.com
- The Granary, Telegraph Street, Stafford ST17 4AT, United Kingdom
Tel. +44-178-527-2500
Koch Membrane Systems Division European Headquarters
For over 30 years, Koch Membrane Systems (KMS) has been developing and manufacturing state-of-the-art membranes for food,
juice, wine, vinegar,
beverage, industrial water, municipal water, ultrapure/high purity water, automotive,
pharmaceutical, petrochemical, textile, desalination, and scores of other applications worldwide.
More than 15,000 installations are operating and performing successfully around the world. The number and the diversity of applications are growing every day.
Koch Membrane Systems manufactures microfiltration membranes in tubular, hollow fiber, spiral and flat sheet membrane configurations
for microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), and
reverse osmosis (RO).
Kurion Technologies Ltd. - www.kurion.co.uk
- 43 Brunel Close, Drayton Fields Industrial Estate, Daventry, Northants, NN11 8RB, UK
Tel. +44 1327 876600
Kurion Technologies Ltd is a UK specialist Water Recycling and Wastewater Treatment contracting company, providing leading edge technology for industrial water and effluent treatment applications.
Kurion's comprehensive process know-how, expertise and continuous development is reflected in the many wastewater treatment processes offered which include the following:
Clarification, Filtration, Demineralisation & Softening, Reverse Osmosis, Ultrafiltration, Neutralisation and Detoxification Technology, Acid Recovery, Electro-winning, Advanced Oxidation Technology, COD reduction Systems, Special ion exchange processes
Typical applications for our systems:
Oil water segregation of oil emulsions and cooling lubricants, Oil water separator,
Recycling of degreasing bath/cleaners, Wastewater from repair and maintenance shops,
Grinding waste water, Recycling of rinse water, Process water purification, Recycling of e-coat bath.
Our membranes systems use two main types of membranes, Ultrafiltration Membranes and Microfiltration Membranes.
Kurion's ceramic membrane filter elements are made of pure a-Al2O3, the chemical stable variant of alumina
and the membranes consist of Al2O3, ZrO2 or TiO2, depending on pore size.
Memcor Ltd. (U.S. Filter) - www.usfilter.com
- District Little Eaton, City Derby DE21 5EL, United Kingdom
email, Tel. +44 1332 - 38 73 00
USFilter provides water and wastewater treatment products, systems and services for industrial, institutional, and municipal customers. Products such as membranes, filters, and deionization units. Systems for high purity and process water, potable and wastewater treatment. Services including carbon and resin regeneration, mobile water treatment, maintenance and more.
Hollow Fiber Microporous Membranes for Low Pressure
and Submerged Continuous Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration and Bioreactors.
Pressurized Membrane Systems: AXIM™ Small Range MEMCOR® CMF-L System: for small communities and industrial applications where suspended solids removal is critical. CMF Microfiltration Systems
Submerged Membrane Systems: AXIA™ - CMF-S Small Range Microfiltration Systems, PreMPT™ Containerized Mid Range System, CMF-S Large Range Systems
Membrane Bioreactor Systems: MemJet® Immersed Membrane Bioreactor Systems, MBR Membrane Bioreactor Package Plants,
Membrane Extraction Technology Ltd. - www.membrane-extraction-technology.com
- c/o Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2BY, United Kingdom
Ali Nozari, Business Operations Manager, email, Tel. +44 (0)20 7594 9602
Now entering its 10th year, the company's portfolio of separation solutions has grown from environmental and waste treatment technologies, to innovative nanoscale separations in organic solvents (OSN).
Membrane Extraction Technology is a specialist process development business which develops cost-saving applications based around proprietary membranes for customers in the chemical, fine chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
Benefits of MET's technologies include recovery of aromatic acids and bases (MARS), catalyst recovery, product purification, and solvent exchange. Using expert know-how and a unique set of membranes, MET develops bespoke solutions to each customer's separation needs.
M-Tech Diagnostics Ltd. - www2.m-techmicro.com
- Unit-4, Station Road, Latchford, Warrington, Cheshire, England WA4 1LB
email, Tel. +44 1925 416622
M-Tech supply a wide range of products manufactured by suppliers around the world,
bringing together a comprehensive range of rapid test products and media for use in Quality Assurance and Environmental monitoring applications
throughout the pharmaceutical,
food and beverage manufacturing industries,
as well as routing analysis in independent and clinical laboratories.
M-Tech supply a comprehensive range of filtration equipment and consumables, from filter papers and membranes (including Advantec MFS membranes) to vacuum manifolds and disposable filter monitors.
Pall Food and Beverage - www.pall.com
- European Headquarters, Europa House, Havant Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 3PD , United Kingdom
email, Tel. +44 2392 303303
Pentair Water, European Sales office - www.codeline.com
- 312 Foley Road, Newent, Gloucester GL18 1SS, UK
Stuart Grendall, Projects Manager CodeLine Membrane Housings, email: SGrendall@PentairWater.com, Tel. 44 (0) 1531 822 431
CodeLine membrane housings is a product of Pentair Water.
Pentair has more than 13,000 employees worldwide, and operates from 50 locations including North America, Europe and Asia.
With over 350,000 vessels currently in service, and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, CodeLine has been setting the standards in the industry for many decades. Continuous innovation and uncompromising reliability make CodeLine the most trusted name in membrane housings worldwide.
Products: membrane housings
CodeLine manufacturing adhers to the internationally recognised system of quality standard ISO 9001:2000.
Select models of CodeLine are Certified by PED (CE Marking-Europe) & NSF-61(USA).
Phoenix Vessels Ltd. - www.phoenixvessels.co.uk
- Unit 2 The Old Bakery, Lower Tuffley Lane, Gloucester GL2 5DP, United Kingdom
email, Tel. +49 (01452) 311673
Phoenix Vessels is one of a handful of companies in the world with the Code X accreditation of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) who in practice set international standards.
Phoenix Vessels, manufacturers of Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pressure vessels for Reverse Osmosis (RO) water treatment plants through out the world.
Each vessel is:
- Designed to a safety factor of 6 ; Tested before dispatch at 1.5 times working pressure.
- Design fatigue-tested to ASME specifications.
- End fittings designed for easy assembly and disassembly.
- Supported by a documented history of manufacturing process and materials used.
- Comprehensive range of spare parts available.
- Vessels can be manufactured to customers individual requirements.
PCI Membrane Systems - www.pcimem.com
- Jays Close, Viables Estate, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG22 4BA, United Kingdom
Keith Bennett, Sales Engineer, Tel. +44 1256 303800
Aquious - PCI Products is a division of the specialist filtration and separation company Aquious - PCI Membranes, which is a unit of ITT Industries Inc.
We manufacture and supply membranes and modules to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) for the construction of membrane plants. Due to our experience developed over thirty years we are also able to support our customers when required with advice on selection of the best system for their application, and with essential information about how to achieve the best design.
Our sister companies, Aquious - PCI Memtech in the UK, and Aquious - PCI Membrane Systems, Inc in the USA, are available to provide a full design and build service for customised crossflow membrane filtration systems.
Aquious - PCI manufactures open-channel tubular polymeric membranes, and several different types of module housing into which they fit. In addition, we supply spiral-wound membranes and their pressure vessels.
Membranes are available for Microfiltration* (MF), Ultrafiltration (UF), Nanofiltration (NF)
and Reverse Omosis (RO).
VEOLIA WATER SYSTEMS - www.veoliawatersystems.co.uk
- High Street Lane End, High Wycombe HP14 3JH, United Kingdom
Tel. + 44 1494 887700
Products: Reverse Osmosis Units
Media & Membrane Replacement: service contracts, replacement programmes and advice on cleaning regimes.
Wehrle Environmental - www.wehrle-env.co.uk
- Office A6, Spinners Court, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 1NH, United Kingdom
Tony Robinson, Tel. +44 (1993) 849300
Wehrle Environmental is a division of Wehrle Werk AG, Emmendingen, Germany.
Wehrle Werk AG, originally established in 1860, operates in two main sectors: Environmental Engineering and Industrial energy recovery using the company's own waste heat boiler systems
The Wehrle group has a turn over of US$ 50 million and employs a staff of 220 persons.
'turn-key' packaged advanced waste and industrial effluent treatment systems.
The company specialises in the use of Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) technology.
Whatman plc - www.whatman.com
- 27 Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 9BW, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 (0) 208 326 1740
Whatman filters are used for research, analysis and quality control in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and environmental testing industries. In addition, Whatman provides customized products as critical components for leading manufacturers of medical devices and diagnostic kits.
Membrane filters:
- Anopore® inorganic membranes
- Cellulose membranes
- Nylon membranes
- PM 2.5 air monitoring membrane
- Polyethersulfone (PES) membranes
- Polypropylene membranes
- Teflon® (PTFE) membranes
- Track-etched membranes
The Whatman membrane filter range includes pore sizes (from 0.02 to 5µm) with a wide selection of membrane filters. Sterile and autoclave packs are available for specialized applications. Colored and gridded types are also available.